Welcome to The DETOX: Spring Edition where you are going to learn how to reset, repair, and revitalize your body by supporting gut health and the innate detox mechanisms your body has in place.

A program that will empower you to cleanse your body effectively, restore balance, and bring you renewed vitality. Join us as we delve into holistic detoxification methods and learn how to optimize gut health for long-term wellness.

I'm Ready!

Here's the thing...

Every day we encounter 100s of toxins through our food and environments. Our bodies are amazing and can deal with many of the toxins we come in contact with. The problem is when the toxic load becomes too high for our body and the burden is more than what our body can actually handle - this is where we end up with dis-ease states.

One of the most important factors when considering detoxing is looking at how to reduce the overall toxic load the body is dealing with. Although we cannot avoid all toxins we can absolutely reduce the amount of toxins that we are exposed to. Many detox programs involve taking intense agents to force the body to release toxins from its cells, without decreasing the amount of toxins you are introducing to your body daily. This may be helpful for the short term, if it is done right, but not for the long term. If your goal is long term health then you will want to detox in a holistic way.

Let's DETOX the Right Way!

Is there a right way to do a detox?! The answer is yes!

Are there different ways to detox? Also, yes.

One of the most important parts about detox is actually decreasing the toxic load. If we reduce the amount of toxins our body has to process then our bodies can better handle the toxins that come its way. The detoxification process includes our gastrointestinal system, kidneys, liver, and skin.

Our bodies are SMART, they come with ready-to-go detox mechanisms, and process toxins efficiently. However, if there is a deficiency or backup in this process our bodies will try to store the toxins in order to get them out of the bloodstream. The body will try to store toxins in our tissues including fat cells, nerve cells, tissues of our organs including the brain, kidneys, etc, and even in our joints. This overload of toxins can lead to symptoms such as skin rashes, acne, joint and muscle pain, hormone imbalance, allergies, and general inflammation in the body just to name a few. 

What we want to do is support the detox mechanisms and pathways that our body naturally has, and this absolutely can be done with simple changes to diet and lifestyle and with the help of some supportive supplements.

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Nervous About Reactions?

Have you ever done a detox and had a terrible reaction that left you feeling like you were sick with the flu!?

This is likely because you did a detox program that was not right for your body.

Many detox programs focus on detoxifying the cells of the body but then the body is unable to get rid of the toxins that are now released and floating around the bloodstream. It is important to ensure that all the right pathways are supported when doing a detox so that you are able to eliminate the toxins effectively from the body.

We're also going to heal the gut along the way...

The state of the gut is super important when it comes to overall health. When it comes to detox it is very important to ensure that the gut is healthy, as one of the major routes of elimination for toxins is through the stool. If gut health is compromised and you aren't eliminating properly then you will be holding onto the toxins that you are trying to get rid of.

The other major factor with gut health is the ability to optimally digest and absorb nutrients that are supportive to the detox process. If gut health is compromised then digestion and absorption are also compromised. Your nutrient resources to detoxify the body come from the digestive system. If you don’t have an optimally functioning digestive system you are letting the toxins in and you can’t absorb the nutrients necessary for detoxification!

It is key to take a whole body approach to detox, much like the rest of your health, and not use bandaid solutions that are going to put you right back in the same state of health as before you started the detox!

What's Included in The DETOX?


This course includes a prerecorded training video as well as a comprehensive eBook with information, meal ideas, recipes, and more!

You'll Learn: 

  • What is detox and what organ systems are involved
  • Nutrition’s role in gut health and detox
  • 28 day Diet RESET to support detox and gut health
  • Environmental factors that add to the toxic burden on the body
  • How to decrease toxins from beauty and household products
  • How to safely and effectively supplement nutrients and herbs to support detox
All of this for $67CAD

*The information and content provided in this program is for general educational and informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, always seek the advice of a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay in seeking medical advice or treatment from your health care professional because of something you have read here. Please refer to the Terms of Use for further information

*Must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this program