Summer Wellness Tips

wellness Jun 23, 2023
a mother putting sunscreen on the nose of a child

The heat and summer weather has arrived! With that comes sunshine, bugs, outdoor activities and so much more! As a naturopathic doctor and a mom, I am always cautious of what products I’m using on myself and my family as I know all products are NOT equal.

First, I want to talk about sunscreen:

Your skin is the largest organ in your entire body - I’m sure you’ve heard that before.

But have you really taken the time to think about how impactful your skin’s health can be to your overall health? We know there are signs and symptoms of imbalances in our system that show up in our skin - and that is a two-way street. Meaning sometimes our body shows us something is off through the skin, but also what we put ON our skin impacts the rest of our body and our health.

Taking the time to look at ingredients in products that you put on your skin such as sprays, lotions, make up and anything else that we apply often can be very impactful to your health. Sunscreen ingredients have been a very popular topic over the last couple years and I’m really glad it has been. With all of the research coming out about harmful chemicals that we have been slathering on ourselves and our kids for years without knowing the effects, there is finally some responsibility being put on companies to provide SAFE and CLEAN sunscreen. I’ve shared some important tips and my favourite products on my Instagram (check out my Sun Safety Tips , Dr. J’s Faves; Sunscreens, and What to Look for and Avoid in Sunscreen posts) but when writing about summer wellness tips, I had to talk about sunscreens again!

Sunscreen: What you NEED to know:

  • Check labels. Avoid the following ingredients as they are known hormone and endocrine disruptors or cancer causing agents:
    • Oxybenzone (also known as benzophenone-3)
    • Avobenzone (also listed as benzophenone)
    • Homosalate
    • Octinoxate (also known as octyl methoxycinnamate)
    • Octocrylene
    • Octisalate
  • Reapply, Reapply, Reapply!! 
  • Avoid high SPF sunscreens as they hold no additional benefit. SPF 50 is the highest you will ever need.
  • Avoid aerosol spray sunscreens. These are hard to apply evenly and can have harmful chemicals in them, also they provide a higher inhalation risk.
  • Check out the Environmental Working Group’s Sunscreen Guide for more information about safe sunscreens. They have even implemented a EWG VERIFIED sunscreen logo on approved sunscreens (YAY!!) to make it much easier for everyone to make safe choices.
  • Look for mineral sunscreens that use zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. It is important to note that the consistency of mineral sunblocks is different than non-mineral versions, they can be a bit thicker and feel sticky but they are getting better as more companies are getting onboard with safe ingredients.

Beat The Heat

Our summers get HOT and I know you want to soak up as much summer as possible but a sunburn or heat stroke can quickly put a damper on your plans. It’s also important to remember that sunscreen isn’t the only thing you need to pack in your summer bag, yes it’s important but sun protection is only one piece of staying safe in the summer.

The hottest part of the day is generally between noon and 3pm, so it is advisable to plan to find shade or take sun breaks during that time. Pack an umbrella, pop-up shade, or simply go indoors to get a break from the heat and sun. Packing hats and light, longer clothing can also be helpful to keep sun and heat exposure lower.

Plan your day wisely and avoid excess physical activity during the hottest parts of the day. Go for a morning or evening bike ride instead of midday, and try to plan playdates or kids activities into the earlier or later parts of the day as well.


Hydration is very important during summer. Keeping half filled frozen water bottles or extra ice in the freezer can make it easier to keep cool during the summer heat. And yes, we all know an adult beverage tastes good in the sunshine on a patio BUT that doesn’t count as hydration! Be sure to have water as well since alcohol can lead to further dehydration. Infusing water with citrus, berries or cucumber can be a great way to switch it up and encourage more water intake if you find plain ole water to be boring and bland. Always pack extra waters as during the summer, more water is needed because you sweat more out of your system. Don’t forget about your furry family members as well, if you are taking your pet with you, remember to pack a bowl and water for them too!

We all want to have a great summer and make amazing memories in the sunshine, but you can’t forget to keep your health and wellness as your top priority! 


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